8 Tips to Go Green On A Budget – by Hannah

8 Tips to Go Green On A Budget – by Hannah Payne, Nephesh Intern

Small actions can create big changes. Here are my top eight favorite ways to go green on a budget.

1) Change a Light Bulb: Installing a Compact Fluorescent Bulb is one of the quickest and easiest ways to save energy and money! Unlike incandescent light bulbs most of the energy that the bulbs use is converted into light rather than heat. These bulbs consume about 75 percent less electricity and last up to 10 times longer than the average incandescent bulb.

2) Buy Local: Typical grocery store produce travels an average 1,500 miles before it winds up on your plate. By buying local produce you can eliminate a portion of the fossil fuel and carbon emissions that it takes to transport exported goods to the local grocery stores. localharvest.org – can direct you to farmers near you!

3) Build a Compost Bin: Instead of tossing the coffee grounds into the trash or the leftovers in the garbage disposal use them to refuel your garden! Returning plant waste back to the soil allows the soil to get the vital nutrients that it needs to grow bountiful crops. Using home compost also eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers, saving you time and money!

4) Unplug: Any kitchen gadget or electronic that is not in use should be unplugged! Having these things plugged in 24/7 (even when they’re turned off) wastes energy and subsequently money. Only plug things in when you need them, just like turning a light on when you walk into a room, turn it off when you leave; the same can be said for electronics and unused appliances.

5) Make Homemade Cleaners: Instead of buying chemical free or green cleaning products, why not make your own! It’s cheaper and greener for your home! Care2.com has some great recipes for homemade cleaning products.

6) Hang your clothes outside! Instead of hitting air fluff on the dryer, hang your clothes outside on a clothesline or on drying rack inside.

7) Bring Your Own Shopping Bags: Before heading out on a shopping spree to the mall or the grocery store, take your own reusable bags. (Some stores like Target will even give you money back for using your own bags!) This will not only save you a little bit of money but will reduce plastic waste and paper production!

8) Consignment Shops: Before buying a new product, visit a local consignment shop or thrift store to see if they have what you’re searching for. This will save you more money than you think! Though, always before you buy think twice: do you really need this item/ will you really use it?

There are literally hundreds of ways to get creative and save money while going green. So, instead of going out to buy a solar panel, open your blinds to let in the natural light or crack open the windows to let in the natural breeze!

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